Tasks Are Back!
We are happy to let you know that task numbers have been added back to the calendar. After many of you took the time to reach out to let us know you missed having the task number appear on the reservation calendar, we made the decision to bring tasks back. Effective immediately, you will now see the number of tasks related to a reservation on the calendar.

The total number of reservation-related tasks will appear in a square on the reservation:
- A red square means at least one of the tasks is overdue.
- A green square means at least one task is due today.
- The gray square lets you know there are tasks, but they haven't hit their due date yet.
You may remove the number of tasks from your calendar by going to Settings -> Reservation Calendar.
Tasks may also be hidden from the calendar, along with all other calendar icons, by clicking on the View drop-down and toggling Show Details.
We look forward to helping you discover new ways to grow your business!